Monday, May 20, 2024

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Local Voices

Local Voices
Local Voices is The Lansing Journal's version of “Letters to the Editor.” The opinions posted here are those of the writers, and posting them does not indicate endorsement by The Lansing Journal. We welcome input from fellow residents who have thoughtful things to say about topics that are important to our community. Submissions may be sent to [email protected] with “Voices” in the subject line.

What is the speed of patience?

Lansing Voices Mary Paulton What is the speed of patience? Your library knows….To some this might seem like a subjective to opinion. The circumstances currently affecting our country and the world have set in motion a sense of urgency. The media and the powers that be contribute by communicating...

Poem: House Arrest

Lansing Voices Griffin Polley House ArrestIt happened a couple days ago The word was already spread We were all forced into our homes “For at least two months” they said Forced to listen, I stepped in To my dearest home The comforting walls welcoming As my thoughts began to roam “What would I do with all this time?” I...

Why I’m voting for Bernie

Lansing Voices Tom Stepp I'm voting for Bernie because I believe in a future worth fighting for.I'm voting for Bernie because the stakes are simply too high to settle for what we've had before. We cannot erase history, we cannot undo the disease that has plagued our system. We do not...

Hundreds and hundreds of dollars ahead

Lansing Voices Dr. Wes Molenaar My father began practicing optometry in 1934, I joined the practice in 1964, and my son joined in 1994, so we are 3 generations at the same address (3546 Ridge Road) providing for the eye care needs of Lansing. I was born and raised in Lansing...

Local Voices: Making schools safer

Submitted by Elvis Slaughter, MSCJOn December 12, 2019, I was fortunate to attend the conference “Preparing for and Responding to Active School Threats” held in Dallas, Texas. The School Safety Advocacy Council (SSAC), Frontier Communications, and Police Chief Tim Enos of the Sarasota County School District Police provided the...

Fall cautionary (October 2019)

Lansing Voices Michelle Ford The Halloween (October 31) and Dia de los Muertos (November 2) season can bring anger and turmoil, particularly Halloween, offering up extra ways to offend under the guise of fun.On college campuses in particular, someone typically hangs a noose on a tree or elsewhere, even putting a...

Team Phenomenal

Lansing Voices Thoughtful comments submitted by Elvis Slaughter Since joining our great Thornton Fractional Township High School District 215 one year ago, Dr. Teresa Lance and her phenomenal team have raised the bar by adding:More AP courses An early warning system to provide early and frequent intervention for students Restorative Justice Practices Naviance Tyler systems EQUITY215 One...


Lansing Voices Thoughtful comments submitted by Ronald Kingsbury My name is Ronald Kingsbury. I am 82 years old and lived in Lansing from 1940 to 1953. I attended Calvin Coolidge Grade School, Memorial Junior High School, and the Thornton Fractional High School that was in Calumet City. Growing up in Lansing...

Saluting The Lansing Journal

Lansing Voices Michelle Ford Congratulations to The Lansing Journal for an outstanding job covering the recent local election. As a member of the community, I appreciate the attention given to candidates, the forums and other events, early voting/polling place information, and post-election results.A job well done, thank you.Michelle Ford Lansing, IllinoisThe...

Challenging the status quo

Lansing Voices Sheryl Black I consider it a privilege to have been elected in 2011 as the 1st person of color to serve on the District 215 School Board in the history of the district and then be re-elected in 2015. Challenging the status quo by giving a voice to the...