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Local Voices: Suggestions for the Lan-Oak Park District Board of Commissioners


Submitted by Bob Malkas

I have had time to think about the dilemma that Lansing finds itself in. Let me suggest some thoughts on how it can be fixed. I will just use a stream-of-conscientious style.

Lansing does not understand both sides of the situation. At this point Lan-Oak is the bad guy. You should take the initiative to correct that. Last [week’s] meeting [of the Park Board] led me to see your side of the issue. All who are now expressing an opinion on it could be directed to understand what is involved.

You have a mailing list that could be used to your advantage. Use a special mailing or one of the existing ones to explain why you have been forced to explain your position. Explain the commitments you are working under. Lansing will understand if you explain your side. You will be taking back the direction the situation is going.

Explain in the letter how the problem can be solved. Do not throw blame. Only be positive. Give a step-by-step way to tell what The Lansing Journal should do to make the problem go away. In your open letter explain the history of how the Clock Tower became a reality. Include the funding procedure while honoring the wishes of the donors to remain anonymous. You might want to consider going back to the donors to tell them the people of Lansing would honor the memory of the person they want to pay tribute to, if they knew the change could be used to further unify the Lansing people, if they understood the importance of symbol.

You could use the Ford Hangar as an example. The Clock Tower could emulate that and become a better representation of the Village.

I sent a FOIA to [Senior Superintendent Sharon Desjardins] that was discussed at their meeting. She agreed to send me a bottom-line cost of legal expenses incurred since they began their suit. For a reason I have not yet figured out, she would not do an itemized listing.

I am a taxpayer of Lansing, and I do not want unnecessary spending put on the people. I realize now that the Clock Tower was dedicated in 2008. Any commitment to “expose” the benefactor would not hold any water in court. There are few people in Lansing that would be so committed to the Village to make such an investment and would try 15 years later to make the park district pay back the funding because they told the truth about the funding.

I am going to pursue this.

Local Voices
Local Voiceshttps://thelansingjournal.com/category/lansing-voices/
Local Voices is The Lansing Journal's version of “Letters to the Editor.” The opinions posted here are those of the writers, and posting them does not indicate endorsement by The Lansing Journal. We welcome input from fellow residents who have thoughtful things to say about topics that are important to our community. Submissions may be sent to [email protected] with “Voices” in the subject line.


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