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Video: Netherlands Ambassador visits Ton Farm, an Underground Railroad ‘station’


“This is a story about our shared values, values that bind the Netherlands and the United States today,” says Ambassador Birgitta Tazelaar

LANSING, Ill. (March 22, 2024) – In the mid-1800s, freedom seekers fleeing slavery in the South passed through the area near the Little Calumet River. One “station” on the Underground Railroad in this area was the Ton Farm, the home of Dutch immigrants Jan and Aagje Ton.

In 2020 the location, which is located along the river on Chicago’s southern border, was accepted by the National Park Service for inclusion in the National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom registry.

On Thursday, the Honorable Birgitta Tazelaar, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United States, visited the site to participate in the unveiling of a new informational sign at the site.

More on local Underground Railroad connections

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Josh Bootsma
Josh Bootsma
Josh is Managing Editor at The Lansing Journal and believes in the power and purpose of community news. He covers any local topics—from village government to theatre, from business openings to migratory birds.


  1. Very, very interesting, wish I was there.
    Does anyone know the name of the marina when Mr. Gaines bought it?
    My simple goggle research says the Ton farm.

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