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Bumps in the road for Lansing Cruise Nights – July and August events still planned

LANSING, Ill. (June 16, 2024) – The Ridge Road resurfacing project has forced the Lansing Association for Community Events (LACE) to cancel its June Cruise Night. However, cruise nights are still planned for July 13 and August 10.

Pat Leck, a director for LACE, said they could have hosted a June 10 cruise night, but the road conditions likely would have kept participants away.

“With the gravel in the streets and everything, the cars would not come out,” she said. “I know the Village said [construction crews] don’t work on Saturdays and Sundays, but it would be damaging to cars if that gets in their tires.”

Original projections for the road work completion date were sometime in July, or August at the latest. LACE is hoping the work is finished in time for Saturday, July 13.

“I hope we’ll be finished by the July date, otherwise we won’t be able to have July either,” Leck said.

Typically, LACE hosts three cruise nights on Ridge Road every summer, drawing car enthusiasts from Lansing and surrounding communities. Businesses often make the most of the event as well, and many community members have made attending the events a tradition.

“It’ll be wonderful for everybody by [the end of the summer]. It’s just a little inconvenience at this time,” Leck said of the road work.

She said the idea of canceling all of the cruise nights outright was discussed.

“I said, no, I didn’t want to do that. If it’s possible to have them, I would like to try, because I know everybody looks forward to them. And the businesses make money whenever we have cruise nights,” she said.

If they take place, the July 13 and August 10 cruise nights will run from 4 – 8 p.m. on Ridge Road.

Additionally, LACE has again partnered with Phillips Chevrolet to host a car show on Saturday, August 24, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

“We’re working through it,” Leck said. “Hopefully July will not be a problem, and we’ll be out there in July.”


Josh Bootsma
Josh Bootsma
Josh is Managing Editor at The Lansing Journal and believes in the power and purpose of community news. He covers any local topics—from village government to theatre, from business openings to migratory birds.



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