Sunday, June 30, 2024

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I was hoping for 10 more before Josh leaves

10 more
Josh’s last day with The Lansing Journal is June 21.

LANSING, Ill. (June 3, 2024) – Josh’s last day with The Lansing Journal is June 21. We don’t have enough money yet to hire a replacement. So I will be taking on Josh’s duties and making sure you have news in your inbox every morning.

Those three facts are my main motivation behind the Summer Promo we’ve been telling you about (the one with the Informed and Connected t-shirts). I know we need to get some new Monthly Supporters signed up before Josh leaves.

Once he’s gone, I will have less time to sell ads, less time to apply for grants, less time to write fundraising appeals. As necessary as those things are, I’ll have less time to focus on bringing in the money we need to keep this newspaper going.

I’ll be too busy providing news to make sure we have the money it takes to provide news!

Monthlies make it happen

That’s why Monthly Supporters are so important. Whether they give $5/month or $500/month, those faithful givers create a base income we can rely on month after month after month.

Whether ad sales are up or down, we can count on our Monthly Supporter income.

Whether a big grant comes in or not, we can rely on Monthly Supporter revenue.

Monthly Supporters keep this newspaper going. And knowing those givers are supporting us means we can focus on providing news.

We need 10 more

So please. If you are not yet a Monthly Supporter of this local newspaper, will you sign up today? We need you.


10 more

We have about 10 more Informed and Connected t-shirts left — a couple Mediums and a few Large and XL. I’d love to give these to 10 more Monthly Supporters who understand the need.

And really, it’s not about the shirt. It’s about getting local news every day. It’s about helping The Lansing Journal keep delivering news even after Josh is gone. The shirt is just a reminder of why local news is so important.

Here’s a link to the form. Will you be one of the 10 more Monthly Supporters we need?


If you have any trouble with this form, please email Melanie Jongsma directly. We depend on reader support to stay in business, and we can’t afford to let tech problems prevent people from giving!

10 more

Can’t give monthly? Can’t give at the Summer Swag level?

We appreciate whatever you can do. Your gift at any level empowers us to report, publish, and deliver local information every day. Every dollar is invested into the journalism we provide for our community.

Melanie Jongsma
Melanie Jongsma
Melanie Jongsma grew up in Lansing, Illinois, and believes The Lansing Journal has an important role to play in building community through trustworthy information.