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Now open, The CPR Site aims to save lives

LANSING, Ill. (August 1, 2023) – A new and potentially life-saving business opened earlier this year at 3436 Ridge Road, Suite 4.

It is there that Terrance Bey, of Chicago, and Audria Green Hawkins, of Lansing, have collaborated on The CPR Site. Green Hawkins also operates Sure Biometrics at the same address, in Suite 1, where she does fingerprinting and notary public work.

Bey, who owns the building, said Green Hawkins was considering offering CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitation) training out of the Sure Biometrics office when he ran across the concept of CPR Wrap, a tool designed to make providing CPR easier.

CPR Wrap

CPR Wrap fits in a small package and can be unfolded quickly in case of an emergency and placed on the victim. Instructions on the wrap tell the steps for giving CPR and it even contains a one-way mouthpiece.

Pictured is the CPRWrap displayed on a dummy at The CPR Site in Lansing. (Photo: Paul Czapkowicz)

“What we learned a couple weeks ago is we’re the first brick and mortar in the country that sells CPR Wrap,” Bey said.

Felicia Jackson invented the device after she froze when her young son stopped breathing in the back seat of her car. Though she was certified in CPR at the time, she made the device to help make such a situation simpler.

Bey said when people come for training at The CPR Site, they will walk away with the CPR Wrap.

“No matter how good you are at something, when the adrenaline is pumping and it’s happening real time, you forget,” Bey said. “This particular device is ready to go with all the instructions, hand placements, where to put your mouth, everything.”

CPRWraps can be purchased in adult, child, and infant sizes at The CPR Site on Ridge Road in Lansing. (Photo: Paul Czapkowicz)

CPR Training

Green Hawkins said more people are not trained to perform CPR because they don’t know where to go for training or don’t have easy access to it.

“Most people want to know how to save a life,” Green Hawkins said.

Green Hawkins is a certified CPR instructor and she said seven instructors are employed at The CPR Site.

“Everybody that we hire are CPR-trained instructors,” Green Hawkins said.

An individual or group can register to take a CPR class at The CPR Site by scheduling online at or by calling 708-251-5065.

The cost for a class for an individual is $75. The CPR Wrap can be purchased for $10.

“That’s our goal, is to get the CPR Wrap out there in the hands of everybody,” Green Hawkins said.

The CPR Site is located at 3436 Ridge Road, Suite 4 in Lansing.

Paul Czapkowicz
Paul Czapkowicz
Paul Czapkowicz has served as a correspondent for the Northwest Indiana Times, so he is familiar with local politics, local business, and local goings-on in general. His training as a teacher gives him an innate sense of how to present facts in an organized and meaningful way, so readers gain understanding of complex subjects.
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