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Thursday: Showers move out

The northeast corner of Greenbay and Illinois was soon flooded by the downpour. (Photo: Chuck Roseen, July 2, 2023)
Sunday’s rain pummeled the Lester Crawl Primary Center on Greenbay Avenue. (Photo: Chuck Roseen, July 2, 2023)
“The rain in the street flowed like a river on Greenbay Ave from Illinois Street south to Ann Street,” wrote Chuck Roseen. (Photo: Chuck Roseen, July 2, 2023)

LANSING, Ill. (July 5, 2023) — Showers are forecast to move out before sunrise Thursday, though clouds will remain for much of the day. Temps will peak t 78 degrees in early afternoon, cooling to the 60s after sunset and becoming less humid.

Current conditions, the four-hour forecast, and the five-day forecast are presented below. (On mobile, only three hours and three days are shown.) Details are continuously updated throughout the day:

Lansing, IL
5:43 am7:50 pm CDT
Feels like: 61°F
Wind: 0mph WSW
Humidity: 100%
Pressure: 29.86"Hg
UV index: 0
4 am5 am6 am7 am
79°F / 52°F
61°F / 45°F
72°F / 57°F
79°F / 59°F
81°F / 55°F

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  • Names of any people or animals in the photo
  • Name of the person who took the photo
Melanie Jongsma
Melanie Jongsma
Melanie Jongsma grew up in Lansing, Illinois, and believes The Lansing Journal has an important role to play in building community through trustworthy information.


  1. Are the catch basins being cleaned? The storm sewer on the NE corner of Greenbay and Illinois in the first picture takes hours to drain with unsafe standing water at the intersection.

  2. With the rain microbursts that are more common, the drainage on Greenbay Avenue from Lester Crawl to TF South is very slow. The large water retention “pond” in front of TFS is always empty. That pond is never holding water. An additional retention pond looks to be in the works outside the SW corner of the football field that will be needed for drainage purposes as the field is being renovated. I would like to see these retention ponds “retain” the rain water runoff, (isn’t that what they are designed for?), so that the storm sewers can drain efficiently from the street runoff and for the home residences.

    • Chuck Roseen, thank you for this observation. My guess is that not many people will see it because it is limited to this particular post. To give it greater visibility, we could publish this as a Local Voices piece, which would be delivered directly to all our subscribers and then shared to our social media sites. If you’d like me to go ahead and do that, send me a quick email: [email protected]

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