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Your gift at any level helps ensure that we can report, publish, and deliver local news every day. And when you keep that monthly box checked, that’s a big help. That gives us a reliable source of income so we can focus on news coverage.

We believe news can bring people together

Every day we publish stories that keep our community informed and connected. Our readers are ordinary people who pay taxes, and vote, and shop local, and want a good life for their families. Their stories are often overlooked by other media. But The Lansing Journal is here for them.

Reader endorsements

“Thank you for doing the work you and everyone at Lansing Journal do. You provide a very valuable service for the community. The daily Journal report is the first thing I check every morning.”

“Thank you for highlighting some of the wonderful things District 215 is doing. My phone and email is blowing up this morning from friends and family after seeing the video. Kudos to The Lansing Journal!”

“One of the many things I love about Lansing is the fact that you actually, personally reached out to me in response to my comments. That doesn’t happen too often anymore anywhere else. Thank you again for all that you do to keep our town so connected.”

“I’m as glad today as I was when I first started that I am helping fund The Lansing Journal print stories and help hold the community together.”

“I was convicted at the importance of your work and commitment to The Lansing Journal. Thanks for all you do for your community.”

“I have really appreciated the Lansing Journal’s recent coverage of Thornton Township. Thank you so much for covering the transition.”

“I wanted to complement Josh on his wonderful story about the young woman wrestler who came in second in the state competition. It was such a good story. It made me cry (in a good way). I’m so proud of her and I don’t even know her. It was very inspiring.”

“I very much enjoy and appreciate the local news, especially T. F. South sports reporting. Keep up the good work.”

supportWhen you give to The Lansing Journal, every dollar supports the journalism. Your contributions cover the costs of reporting, publishing, and delivering local news every single day — award-winning local news!.

We can’t do it alone

We believe that local residents, businesses, schools, and elected officials have important stories to share. We believe that our community deserves a quality newspaper. Will you invest so we can continue?

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